Us and our friends

Us and our friends and family

We have lots of pictures here...

All our assorted pictures are here:
Assorted pictures from over the years

Kelly and Mike's cat Pickles

Christmas 2001

Paul and Kelly's Wedding

Pictures from our hike with Mike and Kelly at Mono Cliffs
(for more information on this hike, see Hike 10 on our Bruce Trail Web page)


Pictures from our trip to Marcella's family cottage:
Marcella's family Cottage 2001

Pictures from our IBM DB2 trip to Agatha's cottage:
Agatha's Cottage 2001

Pictures of Jane, Mark, and Kate:
Jane, Mark, and Kate
Pictures of Alex and Hunter (Sue and Matt):
Alex and Hunter (and Sue and Matt)

Pictures from our 2001 vacation in Florida:
Florida 2001

Pictures from IDUG 2001 in Orlando Florida:
IDUG 2001

Pictures from Jennifer and Curtis' wedding shower in Toronto:
Book shower

Pictures from our Christmas get together on December 23rd, 2000:
Christmas 2000

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